
+86 574 87378333


Medical Team
Zhong Wenlang

Repair expert

Areas of expertise
  • anterior cosmetic restoration

  • complex denture repair

  • minimally invasive repair

  • minimally invasive complex tooth extraction

Graduated from Nanjing Medical University

I believe that oral beauty restoration is also an art, only love and strength can create a perfect smile. I have been working in the field for more than 30 years and have been working hard for this art. He has studied in Singapore, the United States, and Vienna, and can provide various types of minimally invasive repair techniques for patients.

Hong Kong Noble Planting System Training

Singapore & Shanghai Jiuyuan Microscopic Root Tube Advanced Class

American Bicon Planting System Advanced Training

Advanced training in SIC planting systems at the University of Vienna

Hong Kong Planting Center ALL-ON-FOUR Repair Advanced Training

Areas of expertise:

1, anterior cosmetic restoration

2, complex denture repair

3, minimally invasive repair

4, minimally invasive complex tooth extraction